August Challenge – The Dirty Dozen

I’m always up for a good challenge, and if it helps improve my running efficiency and performance then sign me up TWICE!  As mentioned before, I am one of the OG Arete members here in Santa Cruz.  (There are also teams in Chico, Oakland and Santa Barbara).  Leading up to Wharf to Wharf, some of the ladies and I did a Jasyoga Challenge.  We challenged ourselves to do just 1 video per day from mid-June until race day.  We had so much fun that I figured we should do another challenge, so here it is…. DRUMROLL please…. THE DIRTY DOZEN (originally, it was The Dozen, but I believe someone eventually added the word Dirty cause… you know… these move will lead to some soreness).  Oiselle’s talented Dr. Sarah Lesko came up with this set of exercises as  rehab and “prehab” are super important for runners, but especially for masters runners (#fasterasamaster).  The challenge proposed from August 1st through Labor Day would be to do the routine 2x each week.  What do you think… Are you up for it?

dirty dozen v2-1.jpg

You can also find explanation via video here.

Finally, if you look at these and wonder…. Who is this Dr. Lesko and what is she getting me to do?  I’ll tell you that from the times I’ve had the chance to hang out with her, I’ve found her to be an amazing human being that can go from stranger to BFF in a heartbeat.  She remains a bad ass master runner while raising 3 boys, reaching new run goals mile by mile, and is the voice behind so much of Oiselle. She also has a pretty rad music collection. But most of all…. she knows her shit. #yalegraduate


If you are up for the challenge, please leave a comment on IG, Facebook or on this blog so that we can cheer for and motivate each other.  Stronger cores are in our future!